Welcome. These are the Adventures of the Burping Troll. Here
be monsters and things of wonder, battles and friendships, heartache
and triumph, and throughout it all we traverse the wonder that is
Middle Earth. Do join us in our many travels ~ the way is often
perilous, but the journey's end is worth the risk. And you never
know who you may meet along the way ... A
Note about The Burping Troll Adventurers
Major new adventure ~ November
2008 ~ What Hope Remains
Our writings are posted in MS Word format
so that you may read on-line or save to your own computer to
read later or print out. We indicate the length and nature of
each story. (All PG13). |
Mysterious Stranger
Adventure 1: A turning point in our adventures, as a mysterious
stranger comes to the Inn of the Burping Troll. Dark and grim,
he is not what he seems - and peril rides close behind. Night
in the far reaches of Ithilien becomes fraught with battle
and grief, as the Rangers and folk of the Burping Troll must
stand beside the forbidding newcomer against invaders from
a distant land. - Dedicated to the memory of Justin Mateo.
Date: June 2002 - Length: 282 pages - Classification: Adventure
Ado About Nothing
Adventure 2: The Burping Troll stages a production of "The
Hobbit, the Maid and the King of the Nazgul." However, the
'troop' of actors arrives on a single horse, the Nazgul is
played by a balrog, and someone has to convince the orcs that
stage-fighting is only pretend. Nor did anyone expect a prince
to grace their festivities ... Fun and frolic BT style!
Date: July 2002 - Length: 216 pages - Classification: Humor/Drama
Journeys Cycle - Introduction
Adventure 3: Setting the stage for the next six tales of the
"Journeys" story-arc. From their home in the wilds of Ithilien,
the friends of the Burping Troll will find themselves sundered
while following several quests. A new Ranger is sworn to duty,
construction begins on an elven ship, an urgent message comes
from Mirkwood, and a hobbit lass heeds the whispers of her
heart. All this and more - a necessary read to fully enjoy
the adventures that follow.
Date: August 2002 - Length: 85 pages - Classification: Adventure
/ Drama |
1- Shadows of Nurn
Adventure 4: Aragorn ceded the lands of Nurn in ancient
Mordor to Sauron's former slaves, but now those struggling
people are terrorized by a more earthly malice. Who is the
traitor among the people of Nurn? A newly-sworn Ranger travels
on a secret assignment to find out. Peril awaits and treachery
whispers near ... --(Second part found in "Journey 6 -
The Shadow's Fall")
Date: August 2002 - Length: 173 pages - Classification: Drama
/ Adventure |
2 - The Rowan
Adventure 5: The Third Age has passed and the time of the
elves is over. Now Celebsul the elf builds a ship and friends
fear that he at last hears the call of the Sea. Yet the mystery
deepens when with him he takes a rowan sapling, his elvish
apprentices, and two mortal friends. Will he return, or do
they sail only to bid him a final farewell? A remarkable voyage
of the soul. --(May be read as an independent adventure.)
Date: August 2002 - Length: 250 pages - Classification: Adventure
/ Mystery |
3 - Return to Mirkwood
Adventure 6: Thranduil calls for Legolas to return at
once from Ithilien, and with him go many of the elvish friends
of the Burping Troll. There they learn that darkness stalks
the Dwarves of the Iron Hills, but the evil they face threatens
all who once allied themselves with Gondor. An offering by
our up-and-coming younger writers. --(May be read as an
independent adventure.)
Date: August 2002 - Length: 187 pages - Classification: Adventure |
4 - Journey of the Heart
Adventure 7: Camellia the hobbit has an unexpected suitor
- and the suitor has dark designs. Will the friends around
be able to keep her safe, or must true love and hobbit courage
prevail? --(May be read as an independent adventure. Has
ties to "Journey 5 - Turning Points.")
Date: August 2002 - Length: 210 pages - Classification: Drama
/ Romance |
5 - Turning Points
Adventure 8: On the borders of Ithilien, life at the Burping
Troll is seldom ordinary. A gigantic bear man seeks a home
on the edge of the Wetwang. Danger again threatens not only
Camellia the hobbit's happiness but perhaps her life. The
hobbit Meri battles a nightmare that reaches from a haunted
past. And the Rangers struggle with the mingled burdens of
duty, friendship and love, as shadows draw near.... --(May
be read as an independent adventure, but has ties to "Journeys"
1, 4 and 6.)
Date: December 2002 - Length: 395 pages - Classification:
Drama / Adventure / Romance |
6 - The Shadow's Fall
Adventure 9: In the lands Aragorn gave to the freed slaves
of Nurn, a brutal new master gathers his forces. When one
of their own falls prey to the evil gripping Nurn, the friends
of the Burping Troll rides for rescue - or revenge. Nor can
they wait on Faramir and the White Company … The finale of
the Journeys saga, and an end to the Nurn adventure. --(Concludes
events begun in "Journey 1 - Shadows of Nurn.")
Date: January 2003 - Length: 463 pages - Classification:
Drama / Adventure |
Still I Hope ~ Volume One ~ The Healing
Adventure 10-1: The travails of Nurn over at last, the friends
of the Burping Troll rest at home in Ithilien once more. But
even in death, evil reaches out and lingers in the mind of
the young Ranger who had been its captive. The power of the
elves holds her only chance at healing - if she survives.
(A major rework of the original short story.)
Date: August 2003 - Length: 126 pages - Classification: Drama
Still I Hope ~ Volume Two ~ The Time Will Come
Adventure 10-2: Elanna struggles to overcome the last shadows
of the past. A red dress and the kindness of hobbits work
to further a special Yule treat planned by her betrothed,
Halbarad. Will she ever recapture the love she once had for
him? Meanwhile, sparring between veteran Rangers Anoriath
and Elros takes on undertones that perplex them both.
(A major rework of two Yule Tales ~ 'The Red Dress' and 'Resolution.')
Click the following link to listen to an extract of the song
from the story Black
is the Color ~ played and sung by our SilliMarilli.
Date: August 2003 - Length: 176 pages - Classification: Drama
/ Romance |
Worthy Companion
Adventure 11: Sev the trader-woman returns to Pelargir, her
quest both one of commmerce and matters of the heart. Was
the bond between her and the ex-ranger, Anardil, a true one?
Two hearts scarred by the losses of war must find answers
in unexpected places. The elf, Aerio, accompanies Sev to the
ancient port city where he, too, will learn lessons he had
not anticipated, and that even beggars may be wise. A story
of friendship, discovery, and building bridges of many kinds.
Date: May 2003 - Length: 282 pages - Classification: Drama
/ Romance |
Adventure 12: Though the war is over and shadow vanquished,
ancient enmities are not forgotten. Gubbitch and his small
group of 'rehabilitated' orcs struggle for their own primitive
survival, and the trader-woman Sevilodorf readily agrees to
trade goods for the semi-precious stones the orcs have discovered.
However, a band of orc-hunters comes to northern Ithilien
seeking revenge for their own tragic losses, and Sev is caught
in the middle. Once again the folk of the Burping Troll ride
to rescue, but the lines of conflict become blurred and nothing
is quite what it seems.
Date: March 2003 - Length: 243 pages - Classification: Drama
/ Adventure |
Trader, Ranger, Spy
Adventure 13: Anardil, the ex-Ranger, is sent to investigate
disturbing events in a dwarvish mining colony in the Ash Mountains,
bordering the tribal homelands of Rhûn. His mission is secret,
so he poses as a fellow trader with his lady, Sevilodorf.
Together they journey past the Black Gates and on into the
midst of a feud that has simmered quietly for generations.
Date: September 2003 - Length: 217 pages - Classification:
Drama / Adventure |
Adventure 14: (Sequel to Bloodstone, but can be read
as a stand-alone story.) Orcs are known to be evil, yet a
few of that ancient enemy have tried to live in peace since
the downfall of Sauron. After the orc-friends of The Burping
Troll Inn were attacked by vengeful hunters, it became the
sworn task of some of the people caught up in those events
to try to win legal rights for orcs: a venture doomed to meet
with ridicule and strong, perhaps even violent, opposition.
Date: March 2004 - Length: 360 pages - Classification: Drama
/ Adventure |
Mithril Semi-Finalist 2004: Best novel/serial
~ and ~ Best Fourth Age or beyond |
Voice of the Ruins
Adventure 15: A brother and sister ride towards The
Burping Troll seeking its hospitality, but they are swept
from the road by a terrifying thunderstorm. Escaping the mysterious
force of ancient ruins hidden in the forest, the twins meet
the inn's elves who take them to safety. While the young woman
seems shocked and chilled, all else appears well; Azaelia,
elven mother of Tigerlily, finds particular reason to welcome
the strangers. But the ruins become a source of fascination.
For what reason did mortals build this edifice? The elves
unearth history, unaware of the true horror that lurks there.
Date: November 2004 - Length: 130 pages - Classification:
Mystery / Horror / Drama |
Adventure 16: Sevilodorf of Rohan left her home at
the end of the War, determined to flee the shadows of grief
and loss. Wandering to Northern Ithilien, she forged a new
life amongst the folk of The Burping Troll. However, obligations
from the past call her back, drawn by duty and the memories
bound in a garnet ring. Her friends, Elanna and Pippin, each
driven by their own phantoms, agree to accompany her on a
journey whose unexpected turns will test their courage and
their hearts. Much will change ere Sev stands again amidst
simbelmynë at the barrows of the dead.
Date: December 2004 - Length: 369 pages - Classification:
Drama / Adventure |
Adventure 17: A pair of related
stories ~ the 'prequel', Liquid Ribbons, takes place
on February 6th 1422 SR, directly after the marriage of Captain
Halbarad and Ranger Elanna. Homecoming is set after
Settling Claims, at the end of September 1422 SR.
Sevilodorf and her partner Anardil take time to relax
after the merriment of a wedding.
Date: January 2005 - Length: 18 pages - Classification: Romance
/ Comedy
Anardil is late returning from his latest assignment
in Rhûn. He has yet to learn of Sev's adventures in
her homeland, and one or two other 'secrets'.
Date: January 2005 - Length: 64 pages - Classification: Drama
/ Romance |
Adventure 18: The final part of the 'Precious Stones'
trilogy, following 'Bloodstone' and
'Obsidian'. Nik,
the small uruk-hai befriended by Russbeorn, has sworn to do
what no orc has done before: stand and testify to his innocence
of murder after killing a man in defense of human life. But
will Nik's truth overcome the lies of unscrupulous men? (Can
be read as a stand-alone story.)
Date: July 2005 - Length: 353 pages - Classification: Drama
/ Adventure |
Mithril Awards 2005 WINNER
~ Best Novel/Serial |
Exposure: To Live on Hopes
Adventure 19: The ex-Ranger, Anardil, is sent
on another secret mission by his king and captain. Yet when
he does not return, ill news brings fear that the worst has
happened. As time passes, his lady, Sevilodorf, begs permission
from the king to search for her beloved. But tensions between
Gondor and their neighbors dictate her request must be denied.
Thus Sev takes matters into her own hands - embarking on a
perilous quest in the mysterious lands of Harad. (NB for more
on the enigmatic Ahmose and The Twenty Houses, see The
Serpent's Lure.)
Date: December 2005 - Length: 322 pages - Classification:
Drama / Adventure |
Adventure 20: When one of the clans of Dunland seeks
advice on herbal lore, it is seen by Gondor and Rohan as a
chance to build bridges over old bitterness. The ideal candidates
for the mission are close at hand: Anardil and his lady, Sevilodorf.
Accompanying them are Aerio the elf, Erin the hobbit and,
as translator, Corlissa, granddaughter of Gamling. They expect
difficulties in communications, but their confusion deepens
dangerously as they wade into the quagmire of sorcery and
deceit that Saruman left behind.
Date: February 2007 - Length: 227 pages - Classification:
Mystery / Romance |
Hope Remains
Adventure 21: Hope takes many forms: a knot to cling
onto, a beacon to follow, the senseless sowing of a barren
land. Thus seeds may yet lie dormant in the iciness of a Ranger's
heart, or the desert of a Maiar's ruined soul. The merest
thaw, the slightest rainfall, and hope will grow, transforming
everything it touches. (This story begins during Southern
Exposure and incorporates elements from Homecoming and the
short story, Fool's Hope.)
Date: November 2008 - Length:
273 pages - Classification: Adventure / Drama |