Story-Author Listing for
Stories by Title and Section of Website
Being the longer, usually
novel-length stories written by the Burping Troll authors. In order of apearance:
Mysterious Stranger - by Justin Mateo, Celebsul, Sevilodorf, ErinRua,
Deby, Meri, Sillimarilli, Pippin, Camellia, Aerio, Warg and Nellas
Much Ado About Nothing - by Celebsul, Sevilodorf, Meri, ErinRua,
Deby, Sillimarilli, Gilraen, Nellas , Eegah, Camellia
Journeys: Introduction - by Sillimarilli, Sevilodorf, Meri, ErinRua,
Deby, Nellas, Gilraen, Aerio, Eegah, Celebsul, Camellia
Journey 1: Shadows of Nurn - by Deby and Sillimarilli
Journey 2: The Rowan - by Celebsul, Sevilodorf and Erin
Journey 3: Return to Mirkwood - by Rilith, Pippin, Gilraen, Nellas
and Camellia
Journey 4: Journey of the Heart - by Camellia and Meri
Journey 5: Turning Points - by Russ, Celebsul, Sevilodorf, ErinRua,
Meri, Sillimarilli, Camellia, Aerio, Pippin, Azaelia
Journey 6: The Shadow's Fall - by Deby, Sillimarilli, Celebsul,
Sevilodorf, Erin and Meri
But Still I Hope Volume 1: The Healing - by Deby and Sillimarilli
But Still I Hope Volume 1: The Time Will Come - by Deby and Sillimarilli
A Worthy Companion - by Celebsul, Sevilodorf and Erin
Bloodstone - by Russ, Celebsul, Sevilodorf and Erin
Tinker, Trader, Ranger, Spy - Celebsul, Sevilodorf and Erin
Obsidian - by Celebsul, Sevilodorf and Erin - (MITHRIL
AWARDS 2004 Semi-Finalist)
The Voice of the Ruins - by Coralie, Rilith, Pippin, Gilraen, Azaelia
and Celebsul
Settling Claims - by Sevilodorf, Deby and Pippin
Liquid Ribbons - by Sevilodorf, Deby and Erin
Homecoming - by Sevilodorf and Erin
Adamant - by Russ, Celebsul, Sevilodorf and Erin - (MITHRIL
AWARDS WINNER 2005: Best Novel/Serial)
Southern Exposure - by Sevilodorf, Erin and Celebsul
Dunland Bound - by Sevilodorf,
Erin and Celebsul
What Hope Remains - by Sevilodorf, Celebsul and ErinRua
Rilith Goes to Rohan - by Rilith
The Highwayman - by ErinRua
Hunt For Common Ground - by Rilith, Pippin and Gilraen
Anoriath's Room - by Meri
The Passing of the Elven Rings - by Celebsul, Gilraen, Rilith,
Erin and Meri
Remembrance - by Deby
Remnants of Discord - Sevilodorf, Celebsul and ErinRua - (MITHRIL
AWARDS Semi-Finalist 2004: Best story focusing on other races.)
A Moment Apart: collection - by Sevilodorf, Erin Rua, Celebsul
and Deby
Perchance to Dream - by Celebsul, Sevilodorf and Erin
Of Wine, Regrets and Rangers - by ErinRua
The Serpent's Lure - by Sevilodorf
Waiting - by Pippin
Synne: A Bard's Tale - by Rilith
Pleasures of the Morn - by Sillimarilli
Fool's Hope - by Deby
Ice and Fire - by Deby
Interruption - by Deby
A Day the Life of Firnelin
the Elf - by Pippin
A Day in the Life of Erin the
Hobbit - by ErinRua
A Day in the Life of Celebsul
the Elf - by Celebsul
A Day in the Life of Gubbitch
the Orc - by Celebsul
A Day in the Life of Gilraen
the Elf - by Gilraen
A Day in the Life of Azaelia
the Elf - by Azaelia
A Day in the Life of Camellia
and Milo the Hobbits - by Camellia
A Day in the Life of
Sevilodorf - by Sevilodorf
A Day in the Life of Pippin
the Elf - by Pippin
A Day in the Life of Rilith
the Elf - by Rilith
The Night Before Yule - by ErinRua
Yule Haiku - by Antoinette
The Spirit of Yule - vignettes by Ben, Camelia, Sevilodorf, Celebsul,
Rilith and Sillimarilli
Yule Tale - by Sevilodorf
Winter Wonderland - by Nellas
Winter Wonderland II: The Spirit of Yule - by Celebsul
Of Hypocras and Hobbit Worries - by Gilraen and Rilith
Gifts, Mistletoe and Mischief - by Camellia
Auld Lang Syne - by ErinRua
Auld Lang Syne II - by ErinRua and Sevilodorf
Orc Gifts - by Celebsul
His Mortal Wife
- by Celebsul
Pippin's Past
(Pippin the Elf) - by Pippin
Sevilodorf's Story
(Sev of Rohan) - by Sevilodorf
Gilraen's History (Gilraen the Elf) - by Gilraen
Being LOTR fan fiction written by our authors, independently of our Burping Troll setting
Walk No More in Shadow - By Sillimarilli
(aka Anoriath)
An Empty Saddle to Fill - By Sillimarilli (aka Anoriath)
- (MEFA 2006 Awards: Races: Men: Vignette, Third
Place - The Ruling Stewards Award)
Taking Leave - by Sillimarilli (aka Anoriath)
Nine Herbs Charm - by Sevilodorf
The Days are Now Short - by Sillimarilli (aka Anoriath)
Aid Unlooked For - by Sillimarilli (aka Anoriath)
Warmth for the White Lady - by Sillimarilli (aka Anoriath)
Burdens Unjust - by Sevilodorf
Wings - by ErinRua - (MEFA 2007 Awards:
First Place ~ Romance with Rohirrim, MITHRIL AWARDS Commended 2005: Best
Characterisation - Tolkien Character)
Close Enough to Touch - by ErinRua
Death Wish - by Deby
Return to the Garden - by Celebsul
A Dell within a Valley - by Rilith
Brothers - by Deby
The Ride of Ceorl - by Russ
Keeping the Watch - by ErinRua
The Strange Case of the House at Hollinport - by Russ - (WINNER
~ 2004 MITHRIL AWARDS Best Drama)
A Parting Gift - by Pippin
Lang, Son of Aleric - by Russ - (MITHRIL
Semi-Finalist 2004, Best characterisation ~ original character)
His Last Words - by Deby
Jerusalem - by Deby - (MEFA 2005 Awards,
Crossover, Honorable mention)
Aglarond - by ErinRua - (MEFA 2004 Awards,
1st Place FOTF Award: WINNER 2003 MITHRIL AWARDS Best Fellowship:
Commended 2003 MITHRIL Best story focusing on elves)
Marriage of Souls - by ErinRua - (MEFA 2005
Awards: 3rd Place Rohan: Dunharrow Award)
The Last Grey Ship - by ErinRua - (2004
One Ring Award Best Fan Fiction: MEFA 2004 Awards, 1st Place
Turin Turambar Award: MITHRIL AWARDS 2003 Commended, Best 4th
Age and Beyond)
Turning of a Page - by ErinRua
Onen-I-Estel - by Gilraen
Ashes, East Winds, Hope That Rises - by ErinRua - (MEFA
2004 Awards: 3rd Place Nimrodel and Amroth Award: MITHRIL AWARDS 2003
Finalist, Best Drama, Best Story Focusing on Men)
Being collected vignettes and responses to challenges issued in The Burping Troll group
NEW! Memories of Childhood
- 7 Vignettes - by Sevilodorf, Eowyner, Pippin, Celebsul, Meri, Deby
and ErinRua
Winter Plants - 6 Vignettes 5 Haiku - by Antoinette, ErinRua, Sevilodorf,
Rilith, Deby and Celebsul
Fly on the Wall - 4 Vignettes - by Sillimarilli, Eowyner, Rilith
and Celebsul.
Light - 8 Vignettes - by Celebsul, Sillimarilli, Meri, Naerinda,
Ben, Pippin, Sevilodorf and guest author, Dreamdeer
The Hunt - 4 Vignettes - by Rilith, Eowyner, Pippin and Celebsul
- (Includes Mithril Awards 2005 runner-up: Humour
~ The Making of a Feast ~ by Celebsull)
A Flowering of the Mind - 4 Vignettes, 5 Haikus - Meri, Sevilodorf,
Pippin, Rilith, Celandine, Naerinda, Azaelia and Antoinette
Winter - 7 Vignettes - by Sillimarilli, Celebsul, Naerinda, Sevilodorf,
Ben, Deby, and guest author Dreamdeer
He Falls - 11 Vignettes - by Celebsul, Ben, Deby, Pippin, ErinRua,
Sevilodorf, Naerinda, Rilith, Camellia, Deby and Meri - (Includes
MEFA 2005 Award winner, The Silmarillion, The First Age: The Valaquenta
Award ~ Shadow ~ by Celebsul)
Wicked Creatures - 10 Vignettes, 11 Haikus - by ErinRua, Sevilodorf,
Celebsul, Rilith, Azaelia, Meri, Nellas, Pippin, Camellia and Antoinette
Healing - 5 Vignettes - by Meri, Deby, Rilith and Naerinda
Mother's Day - 8 Vignettes - by Sevilodorf, Deby, Rilith, Meri,
Naerinda, Camellia and ErinRua
The Spirit of Yule - 8 Vignettes - by Ben, Camelia, Sevilodorf,
Celebsul, Rilith and Sillimarilli
Thunder Rolls - 6 Vignettes - by Sevilodorf, Naerinda, Camellia,
Rilith, Celebsul, and guest author Quellawen
- (Includes MITHRIL Semi-Finalist 2004, Best story
focusing on Hobbits ~ The Tales Retold ~ by Sevilodorf)
Knock-Knock - 11 Vignettes - by Pippin, Naerinda, Aerio, ErinRua,
Sevilodorf, Deby, Meri, Ben, Celebsul, and guest author Marta
- (Includes MITHRIL Semi-Finalist 2004, Best characterisation:
original character ~ The End of Hope ~ by ErinRua)
Creation - 9 Vignettes - by Deby, Meri, Sevilodorf, Rilith, Pippin,
Aerio, Naerinda, and guest author Marrim
- (Includes MITHRIL Semi-Finalist 2004, Best story
focusing on other races ~ Foresight Unknown, Beauty Unrivaled
~ by Merithehobbit)
Banners - 9 Vignettes - by Russ, Meri, Pippin, Rilith, Sevilodorf,
Aerio, Celebsul, Camellia and Deby
- (Includes MITHRIL Semi-Finalist 2004, Best gapfiller
~ King's Standard, Queen's Hand ~ by Merithehobbit)
Memorial - 6 Vignettes - by ErinRua, Sevilodorf, Deby and Sillimarilli
- (Includes MEFA 2005 Awards 3rd place,
Gapfiller: The Grey Company: Black Chasm of Moria ~ Weeping Iron
Tears ~ by ErinRua
Includes MEFA 2005 Awards: Gapfiller: Honourable Mention ~ For
the Common Man ~ by SilliMarilli
Includes MITHRIL Semi-Finalist 2004: Best characterisation: minor
character ~ Among the Fields of Green ~ by ErinRua)
Stories by Author
Stories of varying lengths written by two or more of our
Justin Mateo, Celebsul, Sevilodorf, ErinRua, Deby, Meri, Sillimarilli, Pippin, Camellia, Aerio, Warg and Nellas:
Mysterious Stranger - (Adventures)
Celebsul, Sevilodorf, Meri,
ErinRua, Deby, Sillimarilli, Gilraen, Nellas , Aerio, Eegah, Camellia:
Much Ado about Nothing
- (Adventures)
Journeys Introduction
- (Adventures)
Deby and Sillimarilli:
Shadows of Nurn: Journey 1
- (Adventures)
But Still I Hope ~ Volume One
~ The Healing - (Adventures)
But Still I Hope ~ Volume Two
~ The Time Will Come - (Adventures)
Celebsul, Sevilodorf and Erin:
The Rowan: Journey 2 - (Adventures)
A Worthy Companion - (Adventures)
Tinker, Trader, Ranger, Spy - (Adventures)
Obsidian - (Adventures)
Perchance to Dream - (Mathoms - BT Shorts)
Remnants of Discord - (Mathoms - BT Shorts) - (MITHRIL
AWARDS Semi-Finalist 2004: Best story focusing on other races)
Southern Exposure - (Adventures)
Dunland Bound - (Adventures)
What Hope Remains - (Adventures)
Sevilodorf and Erin:
Auld Lang Syne II
- (Mathoms: Holidays and Festivities)
- (Adventures)
Sevilodorf, Erin and Deby:
Liquid Ribbons
- (Adventures)
Russ, Celebsul, Sevilodorf and Erin:
Bloodstone - (Adventures)
Adamant - (Adventures) - (MITHRIL
AWARDS WINNER 2005: Best Novel/Serial)
Celebsul, Gilraen, Rilith, Erin
and Meri:
The Passing of the Elven
Rings - (Mathoms - BT Shorts)
Sevilodorf, Deby and Pippin:
Settling Claims
- (Adventures)
Sevilodorf, Erin Rua, Celebsul
and Deby:
'Moment Apart' short series: - (Mathoms - BT
A Moment Apart
The Spice of Friendship
Apples for the Range
Full Circle
Rilith, Pippin, Gilraen, Nellas
and Camellia:
Return to Mirkwood: Journey 3
- (Adventures)
Camellia and Meri:
Journeys of the Heart:
Journey 4 - (Adventures)
Russ, Celebsul, Sevilodorf,
ErinRua, Meri, Sillimarilli, Camellia, Aerio, Pippin, Azaelia:
Turning Points: Journey 5
- (Adventures)
Deby, Sillimarilli, Celebsul,
Sevilodorf, Erin and Meri:
The Shadow's Fall: Journey 6
- (Adventures)
Coralie, Rilith, Pippin, Gilraen,
Azaelia and Celebsul
The Voice of the Ruins
- (Adventures)
Rilith, Pippin and Gilraen:
Hunt for Common Ground
- (Mathoms - BT Shorts)
Rilith and Gilraen:
Hypocras and Hobbit Worries - (Mathoms:
Holidays and Festivities)
(Please Note: This listing is incomplete, as we are still collecting works from the "Challenges" section, and numerous of our authors have other short works in "Fun" section of this site. Collaborations are listed above..)
The Key of Gondor
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Banners)
The Unspoken Wonders of an Orc
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Creation)
They Came from the South Gate
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Knock-knock)
Yule Haiku
- (Mathoms: Holidays and Festivities)
Various other haikus
- (Mathoms: Challenges)
A Day in the Life of Azaelia
- (Mathoms: A Day in the Life story collection)
The Courage To Scream
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Wicked Creatures)
Dandelion on the Wind
- (Mathoms: Challenges: A Flowering of the Mind)
The Drinking Horn
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Knock-knock)
The Snow Men
- (Mathoms: Holidays and Festivities: The Spirit of Yule)
Fire and Light
- (Mathoms: Challenges: He Falls)
The Fell Winter of 1311
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Winter)
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Light)
Gifts, Mistletoe and Mischief
- (Mathoms: Holidays and Festivities)
A Day in the Life of Camellia
and Milo - (Mathoms: A Day in the
Life story collection)
Memories Destroyed
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Banners)
Query and Reply
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Thunder Rolls)
An Old Friend
- (Mathoms: Holidays and Festivities: The Spirit of Yule)
A Mother's Memories
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Mother's Day)
The Hunted
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Wicked Creatures)
On Eagles Wings
- (Mathoms: Challenges: He Falls)
Celandine for Sam - (Mathoms: Challenges: A Flowering of the Mind)
Winter Wonderland II: The Spirit of Yule - (Mathoms: Holidays
and Festivities)
Orc Gifts - (Mathoms: Holidays and Festivities)
His Mortal Wife - (Mathoms: Character Histories)
Return to the Garden - (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold)
A Day in the Life of Celebsul - (Mathoms: A Day in the Life
story collection)
A Day in the Life of Gubbitch the Orc - (Mathoms: A Day in the
Life story collection)
Serpent at my Feet - (Mathoms: Challenges: Banners)
The Jeweler - (Mathoms: Challenges: Creation)
Song of the Nightingale - (Mathoms: Challenges: Knock-knock)
Flourish - (Mathoms: Challenges: Thunder Rolls)
Tidings of Joy - (Mathoms: Holidays and Festivities: The Spirit
of Yule)
Small and Rare - (Mathoms: Challenges: Wicked Creatures)
Shadow - (Mathoms: Challenges: He Falls) -(MEFA
2005 Award winner, The Silmarillion, The First Age: The Valaquenta Award)
'Tis Evil in the Wild to Fare - (Mathoms: Challenges: Winter)
The Making of a Feast - (Mathoms: Challenges: The Hunt)
- (MITHRIL AWARDS 2005 - Humor - Runner-up)
The Sentinel - (Mathoms: Challenges: Light)
Carving Her Memory - (Mathoms: Challenges: Fly on the Wall)
Remembrance - (Mathoms - BT Shorts)
Death Wish - (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold)
Brothers - (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold)
His Last Words - (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold)
Jerusalem - (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold) - (MEFA
2005 Awards: Crossover: Honorable mention)
Banner of Rohan - (Mathoms: Challenges: Banners)
One Ring - (Mathoms: Challenges: Creation)
The Coin of War - (Mathoms: Challenges: Memorial)
He Said, She Said - (Mathoms: Challenges: Knock-knock)
In My Little One's Eyes - (Mathoms: Challenges: Mother's Day)
Help or Hindrance - (Mathoms: Challenges: Healing)
Time - (Mathoms: Challenges: He Falls)
The Least of Things - (Mathoms: Challenges: He Falls)
'Til You Have Lost All That You Have Gained - (Mathoms: Challenges:
Fool's Hope - (Mathoms - BT Shorts)
Ice and Fire - (Mathoms - BT Shorts)
Interruption - (Mathoms - BT Shorts)
- (Mathoms: Challenges: The Hunt)
The Man in the Garden
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Fly on the Wall)
The Night Before Yule - (Mathoms: Holidays and Festivities)
Of Wine, Regrets and Rangers - (Mathoms - BT Shorts)
The Highwayman - (Mathoms - BT Shorts)
Auld Lang Syne - (Mathoms: Holidays and Festivities)
Wings - (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold) - (MEFA
2007 Awards: First Place ~ Romance with Rohirrim, MITHRIL AWARDS 2005
- Best Characterisation - Tolkien Character - Commended)
Close Enough to Touch - (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold)
Keeping the Watch - (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold)
Aglarond - (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold) - (MEFA
2004 Awards, 1st Place FOTF Award: WINNER 2003 MITHRIL AWARDS
Best Fellowship: Commended 2003 MITHRIL Best story focusing on elves)
A Marriage of Souls - (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold) - (
MEFA 2005 Awards: 3rd Place Rohan: Dunharrow Award
The Last Grey Ship - (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold) - (2004
One Ring Award Best Fan Fiction: MEFA 2004 Awards, 1st Place
Turin Turambar Award: MITHRIL AWARDS 2003 Commended, Best 4th
Age and Beyond)
Turning of a Page - (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold)
Ashes, East Winds, Hope That Rises - (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold)
- ( MEFA 2004 Awards: 3rd Place Nimrodel and Amroth
Award: MITHRIL AWARDS 2003 Finalist, Best Drama, Best Story Focusing on
A Day in the Life of Erin - (Mathoms: A Day in the Life story
Weeping Iron Tears - (Mathoms: Challenges: Memorial)
Among the Fields of Green - (Mathoms: Challenges: Memorial)
The End of Hope - (Mathoms: Challenges: Knock-knock)
Tales of the Hunter - (Mathoms: Challenges: Mother's Day)
Crows - (Mathoms: Challenges: Wicked Creatures)
To Hope's End - (Mathoms: Challenges: He Falls)
Carving Her Memory - (Mathoms: Challenges: Fly on the Wall)
Onen-I-Estel - (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold)
A Day in the Life of Gilraen
the Elf Girl - (Mathoms: A Day in the
Life story collection)
Anoriath's Room
- (Mathoms - BT Shorts)
King's Standard, Queen's Hand
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Banners) - (MITHRIL
Semi-Finalist 2004, Best gapfiller
Foresight Unknown, Beauty Unrivaled
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Creation) (MITHRIL
Semi-Finalist 2004, Best story focusing on other races
News from the Bridge House
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Knock-knock)
Cat Tales
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Mother's Day)
The Witness
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Healing)
Fire and Water, Rage and Tears
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Wicked Creatures)
Gossip and Greetings
- (Mathoms: Challenges: He Falls)
The Lilies of the Gladden Fields
- (Mathoms: Challenges: A Flowering of the Mind)
A Glow in the Dark
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Light)
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Creation)
Darkness Brings Despair
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Knock-knock)
Winds of Change
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Thunder Rolls)
A Mother Knows
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Mother's Day)
Cries of the Heart
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Healing)
Hate Grows
- (Mathoms: Challenges: He Falls)
Ties That Bind
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Winter)
Alfirin's Call
- (Mathoms: Challenges: A Flowering of the Mind)
Light of Fury
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Light)
Winter Wonderland
- (Mathoms: Holidays and Festivities)
An Ancient Curse
- (Mathoms: Challenges: Wicked Creatures)
- (Mathoms - BT Shorts)
Pippin's Past
- (Mathoms: Character Histories)
A Parting Gift
- (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold)
A Day in the Life of Firnelin
the Elf - (Mathoms: A Day in the Life
story collection)
A Day in the Life of Pippin
the Elf - (Mathoms: A Day in the Life
story collection)
Synne: A Bard's Tale
- (Mathoms - BT Shorts)
Rilith Goes to Rohan
- (Mathoms - BT Shorts)
A Dell Within A Valley
- (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold)
A Day in the Life of Rilith
- (Mathoms: A Day in the Life story collection)
- (Mathoms: A Day in the Life story collection)
The Ride of Ceorl
- (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold)
The Strange Case of the House
at Hollinport - (Mathoms: LOTR
Tales Untold) - (WINNER ~ 2004 MITHRIL AWARDS
Best Drama)
Lang, Son of Aleric
- (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold) -
(MITHRIL Semi-Finalist 2004: Best characterisation ~
original character)
The Serpent's Lure - (Mathoms
- BT Shorts)
Yule Tale
- (Mathoms: Holidays and Festivities)
Sevilodorf's Story
- (Mathoms: Character Histories)
Nine Herbs Charm
- (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold)
Burdens Unjust
- (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold)
A Day in the Life of
Sevilodorf - (Mathoms: A Day in the
Life story collection)
Eowyn Diagnosed - (Fun)
Walk No More in Shadow - (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold)
Pleasures of the Morn - (Mathoms - BT Shorts)
An Empty Saddle to Fill - (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold) -
(MEFA 2006 Awards: Races: Men: Vignette, Third
Place - The Ruling Stewards Award)
Taking Leave - (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold)
The Days Are Now Short - (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold)
Aid Unlooked For - (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold)
Warmth for the White Lady - (Mathoms: LOTR Tales Untold)
GUEST AUTHORS: (Dreamdeer, Marta, Mirrim, Quellawen - Details still to come)
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Site by Celebsul, Erin, and the Burping Troll Adventurers, September